Browser Support for CSS3

Different browsers use different layout engines to render the HTML / CSS markup to the end user. Layout engine is a software which is used by browsers to read the HTML/CSS markup and produce final output on the user screen. It reads all the HTML and renders it onto browser.

You can also read about List of various layout engines and their comparison of layout engines for support of HTML5 and CSS3 standards at wikipedia.

Identifying which browser supports what CSS3 features can be a daunting task. Ultimately we should design around basic principle that irrespective of final user agent our web application should be usable to the end user. Progressive Enhancement design principle says that , make your web page with minimal markup without CSS so that it looks fine without any Javascript or scripting. Then we slowly improves its look by using advanced CSS and Scripting techniques. Designing With Progressive enhancement is an excellent book to learn more about it.

The following websites are helpful in deciding which of the CSS3 properties you can use safely and are supported by browsers.

HTML5 and CSS3 Browser support

Can i Use us wonderful website which tells about browser support for HTML and CSS3 feature you ask for

Layout engines

-moz properties support

-webkit properties support

If you are developing some email application then following website would be useful to see CSS3 and HTML5 support for various email clients

If you are developing something for Apple world , iPad etc then following Apple developer guide would be useful

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