RPM based install of MySQL

RPM based install of MySQL

Official link about RPM Installation


My Linux version is Red Hat 5 so i download from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/ the following RPMs


Depending upon the time when you are reading this tutorial the file names would change , but the process would be the same

Upload the files to the server is this is some remote machine , i used WinSCP to do this

Install theb MySQL

#sudo rpm -i MySQL-server-5.5.25a-1.rhel5.i386.rpm

It will ask for sudo password

Proceed with the instructions and complete the process. Remember to note down root password if you set any

#sudo rpm -i MySQL-client-5.5.25a-1.rhel5.x86_64.rpm

If you are doing this MySQL install for production use then read on for more secure steps to do

Otherwise you can stop and start using MySQL

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