GUI Graphical Interface for HBase region servers

Hannibal is a tool to help monitor and maintain HBase-Clusters that are configured for manual splitting.

This helps us to answer following questions

  1.     How well are regions balanced over the cluster?
  2.     How well are the regions split for each table?
  3.     How do regions evolve over time

To install Hannilal follow the following steps , it wont take long.


Download the latest version

$ git clone

$ cd hannibal


Edit your .profile or /etc/environment your choice

To include the following property

Change the version depending on your HBase version , options are 0.94 , 0.90 , 0.94



Copy the hbase-site.xml from your HBase conf to Hanniball conf directory

4) Build the project

It will take sometime as it will download dependencies from internet

$ ./build

After it show message as Success

5) Start the server

$ ./start

It will take sometime for server to start and then you can monitor it at


You can configure the port incase you already have something running there.

Please note that history data about regions is only collected while the application is running, it will need to run for
some time until the region detail graphs fill up. 

Happy Hadooping :)

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